3 Things You Should Regularly do for Your Cybersecurity

3 Things You Should Regularly do for Your Cybersecurity

If it feels like you are seeing and hearing about cybersecurity issues almost every day, it’s because you are. Research shows that cyber-attacks occur every 40 seconds, which translates to: if you have a device connected to the internet, you are vulnerable. Considering that we put most of our lives on the internet these days, there are a couple of things everyone should do regularly to stay cyber-safe.

Given the number of cyber security threats that exist and the severe consequences they can make, adopting measures to protect yourself and/or your business is of great importance. Thinking “it won’t happen to me” is the biggest mistake anyone can make regarding cybersecurity.

Although everyone can be a victim of a cyberattack, three top target industries for these attacks are:

  1. Business & education
  2. Healthcare/Medical
  3. Banking/Credit/Financial

If there’s one thing that can be said with certainty, it’s that the internet is the biggest blessing and a curse of the 21st century. While it’s true that the internet offers countless opportunities for us to connect, learn and grow, it also led us to live in an age of cyber threats.

Perhaps the best way to tackle cyber security is to invest money and time in securing your systems. You may know this; prevention is better than cure. Keeping your system and mind up to date, using a VPN from reputable VPN providers like Le VPN, and backing up data are just some of the ways to stay cyber-safe.

3 Things You Should Regularly do for Your Cybersecurity. | Le VPN

#1 Update Your System

Let’s be honest. Everyone is guilty of clicking on that “Remind me later” button when new software updates occur on our devices. While it’s reasonable to put off updating your software when you are in the middle of something, you should know better than to prolong this obligation indefinitely.

There are a lot of reasons why software updates are important. Perhaps the primary reason is digital safety and cyber security. The sooner a person updates, the sooner they feel confident their device is more secure – until the next update.

Let us take a wild guess and say that you keep tons of documents and personal information on your devices. Well, that same information that you don’t want to see in the light of day is exactly the one most valuable to cybercriminals.

Hackers prey upon security flaws, so why give it to them? A software vulnerability, a.k.a a security hole, can often be found in a software program or operating system that is not up to date. Cybercriminals love to take advantage of that weakness by writing code packaged into malicious software.

What happens next, you may ask. Well, that depends on the criminals’ goals. Essentially, the malware can steal all the data saved on your device and allow the attacker to gain complete control over your device and encrypt your files. Don’t want this scenario? Update your software and systems!

#2 Update Your Mind

It’s easier to prevent a data breach than it is to recover from it. Once your data is stolen, recovering it is often a long and arduous process. With that said, what can we do to prevent it from happening in the first place? You can regularly update your mind!

Training your mind and educating yourself regularly on subjects such as creating and maintaining strong passwords, detecting phishing emails, avoiding potentially dangerous apps, and ensuring that valuable data doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

All tips, tricks, and practices you’ve accumulated over the years by researching and reading the news you should use every time you access the internet. If you are completely new to cybersecurity and are uncertain about how to protect your data, talk to your friends and families, watch some youtube videos and watch the news.

The truth is that everyone should help everyone to stay as informed and as safe as possible. We all need to work together if we wish to come out as winners of this battle.

Just because you don’t work for a big firm doesn’t make you any less of a target. However, having the right knowledge can help you feel more secure, and in case of an intruder, you will know the basics of what to do. More importantly, you will know who to turn to in those situations.

#3 Doubt / Be Suspicious

This may be the easiest—or the hardest—thing out of the three, depending on your character and experience. If you are, by nature, an untrustful type of person, the “doubt” will come naturally to you, and you will probably be fine in the online world.

On the other hand, if you are the type of person who is naive and easily persuasive, you might have to watch out for the online world. Part of making sure you are cyber-safe is being smart about what you click.

Unfortunately, the term clickbait doesn’t just refer to dog compilation videos and catchy headlines, but it is a well-known criminal tactic to lure their targets into their cage. You should always be suspicious and extra cautious when surfing the internet.

Don’t click on messages, emails, links, or ads unless they come from a source you firmly trust. Even then, your trusted source might have been compromised, so you need to keep your eyes and ears wide open all the time. All this doubt may be exhausting, but at least it keeps you safe.

Finally, make sure that your Wi-Fi network is protected at all times. Preferably, use a high-quality VPN from a reputable VPN provider such as Le VPN.



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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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