Apple deletes VPN scam app from the App Store.
A while ago, the Apple app store introduced a brand new app. The app “Mobile Protection: Clean and Security VPN” claimed to clean every bit of junk on your Apple device. The app was used to keep the iPhone and Apple devices clean and secured.
Popularity of The Clean and Security VPN
The features of the app along with the services it “claimed” to provide, all seemed hunky dory and as a matter of fact, too good to be true. Very soon, the app attracted more than 50,000 people who downloaded it. Out of them, approximately 2,000 people even went so far as to sign up for the weekly subscription package that was available to them.
Massive Scam Hits the Apple App Store
However, in reality the “Mobile Protection: Clean & Security VPN” scammed people at the horrific rate of $400/month. Apple has now taken adequate measures to delete the VPN scam app which initially looked like the best VPN for iPhone. The con came to the light only after sources pointed out that it was a scam.
VPN Scam App Too Costly
By charging people about $400 a month, the app was quite obviously one of the biggest scams to have hit the market. If left unchecked, the app makers would have earned themselves a hefty sum of nearly $ 1,000,000 in a matter of a year. The scary part is, this isn’t the only one out there. There are a number of apps with similar agendas that scam people who choose to download it. Apple, however, hasn’t recognized these apps yet, and they haven´t taken measures to shut them down.
All That You Need to Know About the iPhone VPN Scam
It was Johnny Lin, a developer and the hacker who discovered the iPhone VPN scam and brought it to the surface. There were a number of suspicious schemes which the app ran – these included free trial periods, protection from “duplicate” contacts and so on. The use of rudimentary English and atrocious spellings were a few of the first red flags. Although the app didn’t seem all that refined and well developed. Even though it consisted of fractured English, it rapidly made its way to the top and soon became one of the top ranked apps in the same category.
The App Succeeded in Its Endeavors, To A Certain Extent
Approximately 200 people fell into the trap. Those with sufficient knowledge of technology and those well versed in the ways of the cyber world are less likely to fall prey to such an app like this. However, most of the people downloading apps on the app store are technologically challenged. They are unaware of the dangers lurking in every corner. They are most likely to judge an app entirely based on the rankings or might even download the first app that appears to them.
Apple has, of course, deleted the app as soon as it came into the light. Although that’s one scam app out the way, there are many more that still remain. They still need to deal with a number of problematic apps.
Ensure Data Security with Le VPN
It’s always recommended not to go for any VPN service provider. There are many VPN companies that offer a free service to lure customers. However, you need to decide carefully as the decision will affect your security as well as privacy. Le VPN is one trusted name in the market. Once you pick Le VPN’s iOS app, you need not worry about the VPN scam app. In order to be more confident, you can even try our VPN iOS app with a 7-day FREE trial!
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