After a bug on Apple’s iOS was discovered which led to devices locking up, drained batteries and links to be completely inoperative, a fix has been released. As Apple release fix for broken links bug on iOS, the problem which was due to third-party apps which were programmed wrong, caused issues with a core component of iOS. This aspect redirects internet links from Safari, Mail and Messages to certain apps. One of the culprits for the bug was, which had collected a large number of URLs to open a particular app. This overloaded Apple’s Universal Links system, causing a constant loop on the device, resulting in crashes and incorrect redirections., which was found to be the biggest offender, incorrectly formatted their list of URLs to redirect, with most apps’ databases only a couple of kilobytes in size, had 2.3MB. This of course caused the crashes and were subsequently quick to issue a fix. But unfortunately the damage had been done and Apple had to move quickly in order to issue a fix for the entire iOS. Everyone with an iPhone or iPad running iOS 9 is recommended to update their systems.
The problem which continued even after fixed their URL database, was that Universal Links was overloaded and required a clean patch to fix it. Anyone and everyone had run would be affected, which was a significantly high number considering it ranks as 120+ in the most downloaded free apps. This means that if you try to follow a link from within apps, the link will do nothing. Other issues reported have been battery issues and looping restarts. Apple have since released a fix which will amend the overloaded Universal Links system on the iOS.
This bug is just another problem that has affected thousands, and something similar could be used maliciously. As other bugs have in the past, something as seemingly harmless as URL redirection could cause such problems for the user. So if you are concerned about security and safety with online devices, such as iPhones or iPads, then there are steps to take in order to stay protected. By using a VPN when you connect to the internet, you will be placing a secure barrier in order to prevent anyone from snooping on your activity or attempting to steal data. This creates a secure and encrypted connection to the internet, rendering yourself anonymous online.
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