Le VPN Blog

August 17, 2020

Is VPN Safe for Online Banking?

If we are asking is VPN safe for online banking in general, the answer would be: it depends. But, if we narrow it down to premium providers than it is a clear ‘yes.’ On your home devices, and especially on your smartphone,...

August 10, 2020

Does a VPN Protect Against Viruses?

While it is a cornerstone of any good cybersecurity system, a VPN doesn’t protect against viruses directly. The reason why many users ask does a VPN protect against viruses is because the results are there. Those using virtual...

August 3, 2020

What does a VPN Hide: More than Just Location

To know exactly what does a VPN hide, you will need to be mindful of all the things hackers, companies, or even governments are out for. There are many little tidbits of information, both personal and collective, that are very enticing...

July 20, 2020

Personal VPN for Travel in 2020

There is nothing more enticing for all kinds of criminals than a carefree tourist. This goes for cybercrime as much as for physical crime, and there are even moments where the two intersect. To stay protected, you will need to use the...

July 13, 2020

Sony PlayStation 5: The New Big Thing

While there were some delays because of everything happening globally, the new Sony PlayStation 5 will be out this year. Even though the memes might seem disparaging, the reception from the public is right. With stronger hardware and...

July 6, 2020

Swatting: Police Assisted Cyber Bullying

There are many bad things that can happen to everyone online; from harassment, to ridicule, to invasion of privacy. But, the worst things are those that surpass the digital world and impact us physically. Issues like swatting are not...

June 29, 2020

How to Respond to Identity Theft?

Short from issues that spill out into the physical world and can endanger your life and health directly, having your identity stolen is the worst thing that can happen to you. And, even if you are doing everything right and protecting...

June 22, 2020

How does Identity Theft Happen?

Identity theft is one of those things that we think always happens to someone else. Simply, we can’t imagine someone doing something with our data and that anyone would accept that information, because those people are not us,...

June 15, 2020

Feel Safe when Working Online

Especially in times like 2020, when we feel like we are playing apocalypse bingo, working online seems like the safest option for most people. And, while the ‘gig economy’ and working remotely isn’t for everyone,...

June 8, 2020

7 Tips for Kids Safety Online

The safety, security, and well-being of children on the internet became an issue the first moment kids were even able to go online. Thankfully, kids safety online is much easier to achieve if we remember that they are much more...

June 1, 2020

Anonymous of Famous: An Influencer Paradox

Andy Warhol famously said that in the future, which is now, everyone would be famous for 15 minutes. Regretfully, that job was relegated to online memes, with human fame resting to thousands upon thousands of influencers. In this new...