Le VPN Blog

April 3, 2019

VPN vs Proxy: Which One to Choose?

There was never a better time to be knowledgeable about security and privacy, and while, despite what you hear in the media, physical security has increased throughout the world, the dangers for our internet security and online privacy...

March 27, 2019

Best VPN for Firestick

The way the world watches television is changing. Today people are making use of smart devices like an Amazon Fire TV stick for accessing television. These types of devices make it possible to watch your favorite programmes on the go....

March 22, 2019

Why do You Need a Gaming VPN?

Who will win? PC or Console, mobile or VR? While there are many differences in gaming preferences, platforms, and what we are looking for in games, one thing makes us all connected, our love towards gaming. And it doesn’t matter if you...

March 15, 2019

How is Blockchain Affecting Cyber Security

Blockchain technology is revolutionary and will bring meaningful differences in how people do business. How is blockchain affecting security? In order to stay away from rugged definitions and cumbersome visualization, let us, for...