Number of cybercrime cases significantly increased in Switzerland

Number of cybercrime cases significantly increased in Switzerland


In 2012, the National Coordination of the fight against Internet crime (SCOCI) in Switzerland received 8,241 complaints last year, which represents of increase of 55% compared to 2011.

And for the first time, cases involving economic crimes exceeded those related to illegal pornography. This boom can be explained by the high profile of some business related to cybercrime, but also by the increased warnings issued by the SCOCI.

Economic offenses that are growing stronger reached the number of 3260, thus climbing to the top spot of offenses with 39% of the total. Crimes that fall into this category include fraud, phishing, sending mass e-mails (spam) or damage to data.

Subcategory “scam” is the most represented, with 1770 cases, knowing that the most frequent offenses involve fraudulent offers on classified sites or online auctions.

More and more complaints are based on cases of phishing (phishing English) regarding attempts to obtain sensitive data from users. The procedure most often wears on false or fraudulent emails phone calls. This represented 8% of complaints registered in 2012, knowing that cybercriminals are particularly interested in issues of credit card numbers to bank account data to access e-mail accounts and e-information banking.

The number of alleged infringements under cybercrime in the strict sense of the term has progressed further. The most affected categories concerned by this increase are linked with “undue access to a computer system,” “deterioration of data” and “fraudulent use of a computer.” Webusers reported that unknown had hacked their email account (“undue access to a computer system”), and had written to contacts in their address book to extort money. With this type of e-mail, the scammer posing as the account holder request financial assistance to the victim’s contacts pretending to be traveling abroad and find themselves in a difficult situation. Another example of “undue access to a computer system” refers to the hacking of companies or associations website in order to obtain sensitive data on them as well as people visiting these pages. This may include e-mail addresses, passwords, online accounts, numbers of credit cards, the thieves are eager to sell in niche markets.

Finally, SCOCI in Switzerland noted that more than 80% of the 8241 complaints received in 2012 were relevant to a criminal point of view. And in 383 cases, the elements contained in the alleged infringements have informed the national authorities or organizations or international organizations concerned and therefore can initiate proceedings.

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