Digital Identity vs. Social Identity in 2022

Digital Identity vs. Social Identity in 2022

Identity has become an essential social and political subject alongside the proliferation of the internet. The need and wish for self-expression is a great gift provided by communication, and we should embrace it. But, we shouldn’t place our digital identity at risk because of the social one.

Generally, there are three aspects of what can be considered your digital identity:

  1. Your IP address
  2. Personal information and logins
  3. Digital signatures and metadata

As you may notice, these have little to do with who you are as a person or your online personality, if that is different from the former. Instead, this is a set of data that shows how, from where, and when you are accessing the internet.

Endangering these aspects will not only endanger your reputation in the case that they are stolen and misused via identity theft but can also disturb all other aspects of your life, especially now when most connections we make are online.

Thankfully, there are solutions. For example, with a good Virtual Private Network such as Le VPN, you can have your IP address masked and remove most of the traces you leave when it comes to metadata. And, with some practice, you can become genuinely invisible to snoopers and hackers.

Your Place in the Metaverse

Digital Identity vs. Social Identity in 2022. | Le VPN

What we have learned to know as a virtual shared space has now been officially dubbed the metaverse. But, the information we share here is much more important than most of the tech giants are at liberty to disclose.

Anyone and everyone deserves to connect to the world at large via the internet, but similar to actual reality, virtual reality is often dirty and stressful. As a result, some darker parts of how humans operate will be exposed to those who wish to explore.

Additionally, for those who make most of their connections in this manner, and that is an increasing number of people, the stress endured virtually will be very real. Any harassment and bad treatment will be felt in the same way as if those people were there in person.

That is why you should keep the three parts of your person divided at all times. Your social identity is not the same as your digital identity and not your personal one. Knowing how to protect yourself mentally and digitally will be the key to having a good experience.

Cybersecurity in Relation to Digital Identity

There are two sets of tools to protect the two identities we have mentioned. The means for your digital identity will thankfully be very technical and can be used easily and immediately. Making your IP address, using encryption, and having a password system might sound like ”hackey-techy-matrix-stuff”, but it is pretty easy.

Every cybersecurity expert will tell you that your security system has only two weak points; your device and mind. The former can be solved with tech, and the latter must be solved with practice.

Keeping Your Devices Protected

There are just three things to do for this part. First, update your operating system and ensure that all of the security features are activated.

Next, install a good anti-virus and anti-spyware program that will clear your system of any malware that might come its way. Of course, having a premium option will always be better, but some ad-based options are also pretty good.

Finally, always connect with a VPN. A premium VPN will ensure that you are always connecting through a secure and encrypted server and that you don’t have any issues with snoopers or data collectors.

Securing Your Data

Your everyday data can be stored on a device protected like in the last point with no issues. However, you usually need to access that often, and thus it would be hard to keep it behind walls.

Your business data should be stored with some cloud service that offers protection and only accessed from the protected device.

Finally, the most critical data, including your passwords, proprietary information, or the most private of images, videos, and texts, should be stored on a USB stick and stored in the drawer, only to be accessed when you need it.

Practicing Cyber Hygiene

Finally, one of the most critical issues with keeping your digital identity safe is cyber hygiene. Not leaving crumbs of information for your hackers to follow or imprints on various shops to keep your profile will be necessary.

Even more, keeping quiet about your life and location online might be the best decision you can make in general.

Cybersecurity in Relation to Social Identity

Social identity is more difficult, and protecting that is more of a philosophical question than a technical one.

But, what you should always keep in mind; the internet operates on freedom. You can increase your freedom and not pay attention to what others describe your lifestyle or practices as long as you are not hurting anyone. It will be hard to impossible to force others to abide by or respect your identity, and you shouldn’t ask that from the amorphous mob that is the internet.


The internet is a magical place, but it has its dark side, as any magical place. By protecting your digital identity with a premium VPN such as Le VPN, you can prevent people from hacking you, snooping, or stealing your identity. That way, you can focus on your personal and social identity.

But, when it comes to social identity, remember to do YOU, not push others, and never let others push you.



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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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