In the centuries past, science fiction writers theorized a surveillance society where freedom is impossible, and privacy is a sin. Now we simply call that modern society. Facial recognition privacy is just one in the series of issues coming with the world being interconnected and sacrificing privacy and liberty for a perception of security.
Even though there are measures that can solve some of the issues we face, it is disputable for how long will these solutions last. Anyone interested in their privacy must stay vigilant if they wish to be outside of the scope of zealous government institutions and multinational corporations.
Some solutions are relatively straightforward, while others require a bit more effort. Premium VPN providers like Le VPN can protect your devices and shield you from announcing your arrival to the cameras. It will also allow you to use other fun things for what is a VPN used for.
But, no digital solution can remove your face. If you want to be faceless for the FR software, you will need to do a makeover.
How Does Facial Recognition Work?
Facial Recognition Software, or FRS, is based around picking up a digital image of your face and extrapolating multiple frames to get a 3D mask that will recognize who you are.
Additionally, many systems will use your phone data or check-ins to confirm your identity multiple times and feed everything into the software.
As each person has different facial features, the software will measure the distances between the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and cheeks to confirm individual identity. While some of the polygons taken can be hidden with a beard or hair and makeup, others are hard to hide and modify.
Ironically, the prettier you are, meaning that your face is more symmetrical, the more difficult you become for the software to recognize you. But, even in these situations, if it has your face on file, it will clearly know who you are.
Ways to Ensure Facial Recognition Privacy
There are several ways to fight for facial recognition privacy, all with various chances of success. Additionally, some radical solutions will end up with human eyes looking at you differently.
The ideal solution would be that no computer can connect your face with a name or private information. But, with the number of data circling about any of us, that might prove to be a real challenge.
Legal Fight
The best way to combat all privacy intrusions in the broader sense is through the legal system. As the government is usually the first one to impose on our privacy, it is best to make it difficult for institutions to cross that line.
Legal fights might not assist us when traveling or visiting other countries, but it will help us when we are simply up and about our own business in the town where we live and work.
Remove the Samples
If there is at least the tradition of privacy in your region, you can try to remove samples of your face from the system legally. This would include social media like Facebook, Instagram, or Google.
If you are in the EU, you can ask for Google to remove all of your data from online searches. Also, you can try not to put any additional data online that can connect your face with a name and other information.
Also, you can find out what is your IP location and hide it with VPN software.
Physical Deception
The most radical way to combat facial recognition is to remove the face that can be recognized.
Regretfully, most places will not allow entry with a mask or helmet that will cover your face. But, there are solutions.
You can use hair, makeup, tattoos, and even face projection to hide your features.
Does it Have a Nose?
The most important physical feature to hide is your nose. As you may know, faces usually have noses, and that is what the software will be looking for.
While you don’t need to transform into Voldemort, using hair and clothes to hide your nose will protect you from all but the top-range FR software.
Hair, Makeup & Anti-FR Tattoos
There are multiple ways to hide your identity with hair and makeup. But, for facial recognition privacy, you are not looking for aesthetics, but for results.
Putting on a new cyberpunk look should break the lines of your face and confuse the software if that is even a face it is looking at. Full-colored contacts and geometrical lines will remove your eyes, nose, or even mouth from the ability to be scanned.
Finally, the most radical idea are tattoos, which are simply a permanent solution.
Data Deception
As digital data you transmit will usually be a crutch for the FRS to identify you, you should use data deception to hide your identity.
Hiding your IP will not only allow you to surpass some annoying practices like Sony censorship of media but to protect your very identity.
Using a VPN
Having a VPN is probably the best way to protect your digital identity both at home and abroad.
Additionally, if you are using WiFi services in places like airports, it would be best to have a good VPN hotspot app. Premium apps, such as the one Le VPN is giving their clients for free, will detach your digital identity from your face and person.
Facial recognition privacy will be a war that will last for a long time, and it is not sure that we will win. In the meantime, there is nothing left to do but fight with the tools we have.
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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic
Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.