Hacking Group Anonymous To Expose KKK Members

Hacking Group Anonymous To Expose KKK Members

In a continuation of the hacking group Anonymous, the ‘hacktivists’ have announced that they plan in releasing more than 1000 identities of the white supremacist group, the Ku Klux Klan. In an ongoing operation against the group, Anonymous announced the decision through their Twitter account, which will mark the one year anniversary since the attack on the KKK began. With the anniversary approaching, the hacking group Anonymous to expose KKK members over Twitter.

In what started as a retort aimed at the Ku Klux Klan after a grand jury found the police officer Darren Wilson innocent of killing Michael Brown last August in Ferguson, Missouri. The KKK dispatched flyers throughout the town threatening violence to anyone protesting the court decision. Amongst the threats was a warning that they would ‘awaken a sleeping giant’. In a direct response to the threats Anonymous launched an attack on the group, and started by assuming control of the official Twitter page of the Ku klux Klan.

Anonymous still actually has control over the Twitter account and recently took to it to reveal a further attack, exclaiming that they never said they would only strike once. They proceeded to target KKK affiliated websites and unleashed DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, rendering them unaccessible. Soon after they revealed a number of identities of KKK members, and will soon reveal even more members.

The Ku Klux Klan are one of America’s oldest hate groups and was founded after the civil war, and at the height of popularity, it boasted over four million members, but today the group has dwindled to around 5000 to 8000 members. Anonymous plans to reveal the identities on the anniversary of the first attack later this month.

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