Google Adopts More Internet Content Filtering

Google Adopts More Internet Content Filtering

We all want a complete safety while we are online. The search engine giant Google is always vigilant about the online security of its users. In the past Google adopted the internet content filtering policy to protect vital information.

Google made sure that the critical personal information will not appear in the search results. This information includes credit card or debit card details, bank details, personal identification number, etc. In 2015, the company also removed explicit images that were uploaded without consent from the person. Google made one more addition to their internet content filtering in June.

Removal of Medical Records from Google Search Results

Google extended the internet content filtering policy to personal medical records. It is possible for these records to appear in the search results if there is any bug. A lab in India had erroneously uploaded names, HIV information and records of thousands of patients. Releasing such information on the internet can have a detrimental effect.

Google has taken these measures in order to avoid these possibilities. We must remember that this information may be obtained on other search engines. But the reach of Google is far more as compared to other search engines. We know that incidents of hacking and fake news are on the rise. So, Google took these preventive measures by involving personal medical records in the internet content filtering policy.

Importance of Internet Content Filtering

Remember that internet content filtering helps in blocking inapt content. This helps in improving the productivity of the company. It also helps you protect your children from inapt content. It helps in better web security. You need to be more careful when you are connecting your devices to the internet at the public places like coffee shops, shopping malls, or railway stations. As the internet is not very secure at such places. A VPN is the best option in case you are looking for enhanced security. Le VPN offers many other advantages besides better security.

Smart DNS

VPN services like Le VPN provide Smart DNS service. This service works well on all devices. It also provides better speed. You can also shift between regions without changing the configuration. You can also unblock channels with this service. It allows you to download anonymously with Le VPN’s anonymous VPN service. Smart DNS also ensures that all our online activity remains strictly confidential. A VPN is a must to keep yourself safe from leaking of important personal information and increase in hacking incidents.

Some More Advantages of Le VPN

Le VPN has presence across the globe. The company has servers in 100+ locations. Le VPN does not maintain any logs of the online activity of the subscribers. So you can be sure that you are totally safe. Whether it is unblocking of channels or surfing the net with total security, Le VPN is the best service provider.  They do not have any speed or bandwidth limits. You can connect two devices simultaneously. In addition to all these services, they also provide torrent and file sharing services.



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