Le VPN to counter censorship in Ukraine

Le VPN to counter censorship in Ukraine

The government in Ukraine has declared a state of emergency to try and counter the growing protests requesting the president resignation.

Riot police has already killed numerous protesters in the streets, while kidnapping or threatening others.

And now the government is taking even more extreme action in an attempt to maintain its power.  It was reported by some local news outlets that the internet and television is being shut down in major areas.

As reported by some sources: “Kiev has started to shut down internet and television. Residents of The Obolon region declare that access to some internet resources has been restricted, namely, they can’t get access to the web pages that release objective information about the ongoing events in Kiev.”

In addition to shutting down communication, the government has ordered all citizens to stay indoors. If they are found being on the streets, they are then subject to arrest, torture or murder.

These measures are seen as desperate attempts to maintain the current power structure.

Some internet providers have already started blocking internet access to people in Ukraine. Therefore, Le VPN temporarily opened a free Le VPN channel for everyone in Ukraine affected by this situation to be able to access to news. This is a way for all Ukranian people to unblock internet and access to censored websites. Enjoy this free VPN, to counter censorship, without fearing any reprisal, with a secure and anonymous internet access.



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