Privacy fears have risen from Windows 10 and their alleged data collecting from emails and other applications through Windows 10. Microsoft denies allegations of privacy breaches, and claim that there are options to turn off any data to be sent away to the company. But many are unsatisfied with Microsoft’s policies. When Windows 10 launched back in July, it was packaged with a number of default options turned on, many of which users were not aware of. One such feature is automatic data sending, which includes diagnostic data as well as system information to help Microsoft and other third-party companies to improve their services.
But it was found by security experts that even after the option of sending and collecting is turned off Microsoft still collects data. It is argued that Microsoft does this for advertisement purposes as well, enabling advertising companies to target users specifically. In addition to the diagnostic collections, Windows 10 also collected information via Cortana, Microsoft’s version of Apple’s helpful Siri. User habits are also collected in order to customise and personalise the user experience, much like how Siri learns from extensive use in order to make the service more fluid and reliable. All of these features can be disabled.
But the worrying part of this is that even after these particular types of service were disabled, Microsoft were still being sent identifiable data, personal to that of the user. Microsoft have been under fire since the release of their latest iteration of Windows, where many security experts have accused Microsoft of releasing its most invasive operating system yet, with many features such as auto-update that is compulsory for the user, even going as far as downloading and installing on the user’s machine without any permission. Microsoft have hit back at the claims, stating that none of their features compromise user’s data, and they merely take statistics in order to make their services better, as well as a more personal experience.
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