Protests Gather in Hungary Against Internet Tax

Protests Gather in Hungary Against Internet Tax

20,000 disgruntled Hungarians took to the streets of Budapest as protests gather in Hungary against internet tax. The highly opposed plan to implement a data transfer tax on the internet was put froward by the Hungarian government, lead by prime minister Viktor Orban, where they propose a 150 Forint (0.61 US$) on every gigabyte of data transferred. This of course was met by fierce opposition by the people of Hungary, where thousands gathered to protest and even began throwing old computer peripherals through the closed headquarters of the Hungarian political party, Fidesz.

The Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban and his government announced that it would be a necessary and fair tax to help the country’s budget. But opponents say that it will create an unbalanced access to the internet, depriving institutions such as schools and universities full freedom of the internet. Arguments against the move state that no such law exists anywhere else in the world and would be unethical to implement such a tax . Fidesz responded by saying that a maximum tax will be in place, a monthly limit. Individuals will only be able to be taxed 700 Forints (2.85 US$) and companies and businesses will have a maximum of 5000 Forints (20.42 US$) a month.

The demonstrations begun at the Economy Ministry before marching peacefully in their thousands down town towards the government headquarters by the Heroes Square. As they marched, everyone held up illuminated mobile phones in protest, announcing that if the government does not withdraw the proposed plan, then another demonstration will be held.

As of yet, no violence has taken place between riot police who were dispatched to enforce the peace, and the protesters. Time will tell if the government do turn around on their proposed plan as protests gather in Hungary against Internet tax, with more surely to take place, greater in number.



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