Another RIAA negotiation attempt with “the pirate” erected as an example by the American justice

Another RIAA negotiation attempt with “the pirate” erected as an example by the American justice

Jammie Thomas-Rasset was heavily condemned by the U.S. court for downloading illegally a few music tracks on the internet and now lives with a fine of US$ 220,000 dollars on hers shoulders. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), which has continued its legal actions for years now is again trying to offer this mother a deal in exchange for a substantial reduction of her sentence.

In 2012, Jammie Thomas-Rasset was ordered to pay a fine of 220,000 dollars for downloading 24 songs from Kazaa. The powerful RIAA lobby, which is in charge of defending the interests of the recording industry wanted indeed to make an example. This trial between the RIAA and the Minnesota mother started in 2004. It has seen many twists and turns, but finally came to a final decision in front of the Supreme Court, which dismissed the appeal of the accused one.

According to the Wired magazine, the RIAA would have recently offered an arrangement for Mrs Thomas-Rasset to avoid paying all of her fine, which still represents a penalty of $ 9250 per track hacked. The organization wanted her to preach the good word about the fight against piracy. But the latter has some pride and she refused to participate in the advertising, stating that she would not participate in any media event organized by the RIAA and even preferred to be declared as being in a situation of personal bankruptcy.

It is not indeed the first time that a compromise between the RIAA and Jammie Thomas-Rasset is searched. Three years ago, an agreement was advanced for US$25,000 dollars instead of a $ 1.92 million penalty, it was then finally reduced to $54,000. The tentative agreement had already been rejected. The RIAA has meanwhile admitted that proposals had been made to try and close the file.

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