With autonomous cars to be commonplace in only a matter of years, the new level of safety will cut road deaths by 80%, but what about security? Self-driving cars to bring a new form of hacking which makes security experts question whether it will be worth it in the end. With the advancement of technology comes the advancement of the capabilities of hackers, with the shift in types of hackers changing rapidly in the past decade. At first, hackers existed purely for the joy of hacking because they could, now motives play a huge role.
Nowadays there are multiple types of hackers as money and political agendas dominate the hacking landscape. Criminals who hack as a way of making money has grown substantially since the internet and online use is now commonplace amongst almost everyone. With the rise of self driving cars and their advanced computers, it is simply a matter of time before they will be targeted by hackers. Several instances of hacking vehicles, including cars and planes, have already taken place, with an incident involving a Jeep crashing due to remote hacking of the onboard systems.
Security experts are concerned that Ransomware, the idea of hacking into software and demanding ransom to release it is not a new concept, but with automated cars, it could pose a serious problem. Another issue is that car manufacturers have had a long history of developing and maintaining safety standards, but security is a new world for them. If by 2030, where it is expected that at least 25% of all cars sold with be computer controlled, the level of security is not up to scratch, then mass hacks will be possible and a very real threat to users.
Until automated cars become a reality, there are steps to take to ensure you are safe online, no matter how often you connect to the internet or with what device. Le VPN will protect your online presence through an encrypted connection, masking your online presence with anonymity. This also prevents anyone from potentially snooping on your online activity, stopping any hackers in the process. Your personal data will also be protected on otherwise unprotected wifi connections if you happen to using the internet in public wifi zones.
Sign up to Le VPN today and make sure you stay protected online, no matter where you are. Le VPN can also bypass regional restrictions and censorship, as well as allowing you to use it on any device, including laptops, phones and tablets.
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