Marc Schrems, an Austrian student, has thus given Facebook people some nightmares, as he has asked them repeatedly for any information that Facebook may possess about him. He finally received and analyzed all the content that Facebook has stored on him: there are his messages, but also deleted posts that Facebook keeps or geolocalization information that Facebook has kept about you, without you realizing about it: these are the places where you connected to the Internet which Facebook remembers of. The worst thing is that such data can be used by the police to investigate about you and this is completely legal. So be careful on what you post on the Internet and to whom you publish it to!
And there are even worse things that you are not even aware of! If Facebook claims not to sell your information to corporates, your activity on Facebook and other websites can be tracked and reused.
On most non-paying websites, without you knowing it, your online activity is being tracked by advertising sites that record your connections through cookies and other tracking systems. This information is stored on servers that represent loads of data. Then websites you connect to will display advertising banners to suit your taste and match with what you have watched on the Internet. The information of your connection would indeed have being cross-checked with other databases (age, geolocalization …) and software by data miners who deal with 85% of data users information on the Internet.
Web users feel thus more and more manipulated. A recent European directive attempts to control this spying on the Internet, but is difficult to implement, with such devices constantly evolving.
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