U.S. will officially create a cyber-army

NSA new boss, Michael S. Rogers, just announced to the Senate that the country would set up an official cyber- army : it will then cooperate with its air, land and sea counterparts. Admiral Rogers will thus be the head of the U.S. Cyber Command. He did not give further details indeed on this cyber-


Do you know about cryptolockers?

In former Soviet Union countries, many IT young experts who barely make a living are approached by criminal networks. They are been offered to enter a poorly protected computer network or to steal 300 million euros in subcontractors banks networks, that are poorly secured in Bangladesh or India. “It’s scary, but perhaps less than what


Google’s point on new technologies

A major conference festival dedicated to the “New Digital Age” happened last week in US in Austin (Texas). This time was an opportunity to hear Eric Schmidt, Google CEO between 2001 and 2011, and Jared Cohen with whom he cooperated to write a book of the same name – to comment on the development of


One cyber-attack occurs every 1.5 second in the world

FireEye released its report on advanced threats (ATR), which covers the main malicious activities identified by the FireEye Security Platform in 2013. This report highlights the very rapid growth of cybercrime globally, with 206 countries hosting servers carrying malware. The study analyzed and compared about the 40,000 unique cyber-attacks that took place in 2013, which


FBI prepares an interactive malware analysis system

The federal agency shall launch this year its “Malware Investigator”, an interactive malware analysis system. It shall allow companies and individuals to better cope with cyber-attacks. James Comey, who has been recently appointed as the new FBI director, announced that the agency was working on a system analyzing malicious software that would be implemented by


How to fix Apple last but not least security flaw

On February 21st, Apple unveiled a huge security hole in its mobile devices software. So if you have used an open WiFi connection in a cafe, a hotel or an airport … someone could sneak into the electronic exchanges you had with your iPhone or iPad and then access to some information which you though


Cybersecurity: 10 threats to monitor in 2014

The overall cost of cyberattacks for businesses in 2013 is estimated to € 300 billion. Here are the 10 key trends in cybersecurity and cybercrime that rose in 2013 and should be closely monitored in 2014. – Governements’ art of espionage A U.S. IT security publisher report in 2013 has lifted the veil on cyber-espionage


Google to remove research censorship warnings in China

China is a difficult market for Google: the Web giant has been fighting for many years with the government over Internet censorship and freedom. Google search engine based in Hong Kong will completely remove warnings sent to users. Until now, even though the web giant was not able to circumvent censorship that restricts access to


Cybercrime, a difficult threat to assess

Cyber​​attacks are increasing, via internet scams are becoming more sophisticated as criminals are refining their attacks like true professionals : Cybercrime has never been so heavy and menacing , while specialists are struggling to determine its extent. “Cybercrime statistics are not operating. Sometimes you multiply these numbers by ten, because people are not aware of


What is the web giants’ responsibility in the NSA scandal?

Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Apple … want to regain their users’ trust and have recently published the number of applications filed by the NSA, a first since Edward Snowden revelations. This comes after U.S. authorities, a week earlier, as desired President Obama, have allowed these companies to disclose more information about monitoring their users by