Cyber Security Awareness Month – Week 2

If you didn’t know already, October is the cyber security awareness month. The purpose of observing the cyber security awareness month is to spread awareness about online security. The truth is, cyber criminals are everywhere. At the same time, if you’re almost always connected to the internet, you are vulnerable to them. The cyber security


Enjoy 4k Videos With Le VPN Services

There is a new resolution for digital cinema and computer graphics. This is the latest 4k resolution. It basically measures horizontal resolution at 4000 pixels. 4k videos have better picture quality and high definition. The surface visibility and the detailing of the picture and images is naturally better. You can make use of Peer to


How To Protect From Identity Theft In The Online World?

Every other day we come across news when sensitive data is stolen. There are a number of online scams which result in loss of personal data. Usernames, passwords, credit card information, bank details, etc. are taken fraudulently. This is also known as identity theft. An alarming number of individuals, businesses, organizations, government bodies are losing


Information That You Must Not Put Up On Social Media Websites

In the past few years, social media has come to dominate our lives in a way we couldn’t imagine even five years ago. At present, our lives revolve entirely around social media. If there’s something you want to know about someone, just visit the various social media websites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to know


An Insight Into Cyber Security Awareness Month

It is October. It is the National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). And it is the time when every internet user needs to do his bit in promoting cyber security. Countries around the world observe the month of October as Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM). Let us try and understand the meaning and purpose of


Ensure Online Safety Of Your Kids With Le VPN

Children these days are hooked to the internet. Some are playing online games, whereas, some watching cartoon movies, and some use the internet for education purpose. Whatever is the case, kids need a secure online environment where they do not fall prey to any unwanted threat. As you know, online crimes against children are increasing.


Stay Alert To Avoid Online Scams

The internet has made our life easy. With the lots of advantages, it also poses threats in the form of hackers and scams. There are prying eyes who are trying to get personal information about the internet users. Their only intention is to cheat innocent people. It is important to protect yourself from these online


Browse The Internet Without Leaving Your Footprints

In today’s scenario, it’s difficult to be online without attracting trackers. This is because; companies are always on the lookout to learn everything about the users. The firm earns huge profits by selling that information to the advertisers. Hence, IT security is an absolute necessity in today’s world as privacy is essential. Options To Browse Privately


How To Select The Best VPN Service?

A virtual private network or VPN is one that routes off your internet services to a geographical location other than your own, thereby allowing you to access all possible websites without bans and restrictions getting in the way. Also, if you have a tendency to use a public or shared internet or Wi-Fi, it is


How To Ensure Your Online Security With A VPN

When you think about using the internet from a public Wi-Fi the first concern is online security. Accessing the internet while on the move is wonderful. But it brings with it the risk of hackers. In many cases the online security is compromised. Some people have suffered huge losses due to such unwanted online threats.