Man Hacked Lottery Machines to Give Predictable Jackpot

A security director who was in charge of lottery machines has been found guilty of fixing a $16.5m lottery jackpot. As the man hacked lottery machines to give predictable jackpot is also alleged to have rigged several other similar machines. This not only gave him the ability to predict the winning numbers, but it has also


Half the Population of Turkey Exposed to ID Fraud

Almost 50million Turkish personal details have been posted online to a server in Romania as half the population of Turkey exposed to ID fraud. This of course puts all of these citizens at risk of identity theft, data hacks and privacy violations. It is not known who is behind the leaks as no one has


Apple Release Fix for Broken Links Bug on iOS

After a bug on Apple’s iOS was discovered which led to devices locking up, drained batteries and links to be completely inoperative, a fix has been released. As Apple release fix for broken links bug on iOS, the problem which was due to third-party apps which were programmed wrong, caused issues with a core component of iOS.


Apple Declare Victory Against FBI But Fight Continues

With the long and drawn out battle between the FBI and Apple over encryption, an end to the case has been found but it isn’t quite as simple a victory. As Apple declare victory against FBI but fight continues as the war of privacy vs security carries on. After the case was bought before the


Fake Email From Own Account Leads to Ransomware

Not so long after ransomware had been grabbing the headlines as more and more learned about the threats of the latest malware issue that a threat has appeared that could directly affect everyone and anyone. What was found was that a fake email from own account leads to ransomware that requires payment to unlock and


Major Cyber Attacks Set to Increase Over Next Decade

In an unsurprising series of findings, internet experts have revealed the growing concern of internet security and cyber crime is leading to much more catastrophic disasters. With major cyber attacks set to increase over next decade, the level of threat is set to increase, posing more of a danger than ever. In a survey conducted by Pew


‘Ransomware’ Hits Major Websites Demanding Payment

The latest in cyber crime to gain popularity and infamy has been ‘ransomware’, a type of malware which installs itself onto unsuspecting computers. The malware then encrypts the user’s hard drive, completely disabling it until payment has been made to unlock it. ‘Ransomware’ hits major websites demanding payment, including BBC, the New York Times, and


Self-Driving Cars To Bring a New Form of Hacking

With autonomous cars to be commonplace in only a matter of years, the new level of safety will cut road deaths by 80%, but what about security? Self-driving cars to bring a new form of hacking which makes security experts question whether it will be worth it in the end. With the advancement of technology comes


Why Using a VPN is Important for Everyone

If you are a regular user of the internet, whether for work, school or even just for fun, using a VPN is far more important than you probably think. With so many stories in the news of large scale hacking and data theft from companies holding customer data, now is the time to start protecting


Amazon Reverses Decision to Remove Encryption

In a move that many agree should never have happened in the first place, Amazon reverses decision to remove encryption from their Fire tablets. When it was announced that Amazon were going to disable default encryption on their latest operating system update, it was met with outrage from security experts to the casual user of the