German Court Rules Facebook Can Prevent Fake Names

In a ruling that has gone the social media giant’s way, a German court rules Facebook can prevent fake names from being used on their website. This comes after a previous ruling that stated the opposite from the Hamburg Data Protection Authority last July, which stated it was against privacy and they didn’t have the


Spouses of Ashley Madison Users Targeted for Blackmail

In the six months its been since adultery dating website Ashley Madison was hacked and the details of more than 33million users were released online, blackmail threats are still ongoing. Spouses of Ashley Madison users targeted for blackmail, as well as the users themselves. The threats vary in amounts demanded ranging in excess of $2500


Apple VS FBI Battle is Taken to Congress

In the latest battle between privacy and security, the ongoing dispute over unlocking the San Bernardino shooters phone has finally stepped up a gear and entered Congress to settle the dispute. As the Apple vs FBI battle is taken to Congress during a five hour ordeal ended in a somewhat victory for Apple and privacy.


Would You Connect to an Unsecured Wifi Network For No Cost?

In a worrying yet unsurprising study, Czech security and anti-virus firm Avast set out to see who exactly who would be willing to sacrifice their security for free wifi. They set up a series of free wifi spots in Barcelona airport, attempting to see who would connect. Would you connect to an unsecured wifi network for no


Anonymous Hacker Uploads 17.8GB From Turkish Police Server

A hacker who has aligned himself with the hacktivist organisation Anonymous has released a huge database of files belonging to the Turkish General Directorate of Security (EGM) online with free access to anyone. As an anonymous hacker uploads 17.8GB from Turkish police server, it is an attack that has long been threatened by Anonymous. The


Government Admitted to Using Smart Home Devices to Spy

In a startling revelation, the US government admitted to using smart home devices to spy, by a admission by the director of baton intelligence, James Clapper. It comes at a time when encryption is the main topic in an ongoing argument about online security and privacy, essentially privacy against security, with law enforcements wanting backdoor access


Hacker Threatens to Release Details of 20000 FBI Employees

A hacker has revealed details of how he managed to hack into a government organisation, obtaining thousands of gigabytes of data. As the hacker threatens to release details of 20000 FBI employees, as well as more than 9000 employees of Department of Homeland Security. The information he supposedly has obtained includes names, addresses, telephone numbers,


Cyber Attack in China Exposes 20 million Users

Alibaba, one of China’s biggest companies and owner of online auction site Taobao, have recently come under attack by hackers in which cyber attack in China exposes 20million users. The attack came from a group of hackers who have since been identified, and was caused by a breach of security in the Alibaba’s cloud computing


Prank Website Allows You To Crash Any iOS Device

A prank website allows you to crash any iOS device just by sending a link to a website. The link has grown in popularity and continues to torment unsuspecting users. The link, which is simply, overloads the phone’s browser through its address bar until the point that the device cannot handle it and reboots. Not just a restart


Phishing Attack Targeting Password Managers

Despite numerous methods of protecting your account details, including the trusted password manager technique, users are warned against a hack that can see phishing attack targeting password managers. Phishing is a method of hacking that steals both username and password combinations, even that of two-step authentication. With online hacking and stealing information becoming more and