Parents Warned as Online Hello Kitty User Accounts Breached

Over 3.3million users have been compromised as a hugely popular online community for Hello Kitty has been breached. The data leak was spotted and reported by a security researcher Chris Vickery at the weekend. Parents warned as online Hello Kitty user accounts breached, including both first and last names, email addresses, genders, country of origins and other


World’s Top Companies Failing at Data Privacy

In an exhaustive report on data protection, privacy and censorship on some of the world’s largest tech companies have shown an alarming trend. None of them offered an adequate level of disclosure on their levels of privacy and censorship, resulting in the highest scoring company only at 65%. As the report shows the world’s top tech


Hacking Group Anonymous To Expose KKK Members

In a continuation of the hacking group Anonymous, the ‘hacktivists’ have announced that they plan in releasing more than 1000 identities of the white supremacist group, the Ku Klux Klan. In an ongoing operation against the group, Anonymous announced the decision through their Twitter account, which will mark the one year anniversary since the attack


EU Net Neutrality Laws Exposed by Loopholes

The Net Neutrality debate still rages on long after it was finally ruled in an EU court, that internet service providers would not discriminate and treat all websites equal when it comes to speeds. This also prevents websites and company paying for preferential treatment for faster internet speeds. But there is more to the legislations,


Facebook Users Warned Over New Privacy Concerns

In a way to combat its closest rivals Twitter, Facebook have announced drastic changes to its search feature to not only include names, groups and pages, but to search all public posts as well. This of course includes every single post anyone has ever posted in the 10 years Facebook has been in existence. Even if


Latest Cyber Attack Calls for Stronger Security

As yet another high profile cyber attack takes place, almost on a monthly basis now, IT experts around the world are pushing for stronger regulations as a means to tackle the ever growing problem of cyber crime. The Talk Talk data breach, the company’s third hack in the past 12 months already, is just another case


Cyber Attack Exposes Talk Talk Customer’s Details

After the first attack back in December of last year when over 2.4million customers were accessed by a third party, compromising customer’s accounts, which included both internet and phone contract customers. It was later found out that a contractor, who had legitimate access to customer data, was behind the data breach. Another attack took place in


Facebook Accused of Spying on Citizens

In a privacy lawsuit looking to cause the social media giant a few headaches, the data regulating body in Belgium has Facebook accused of spying on citizens. A court in Belgium is listening to the case bought forward by the BPC, the Belgium Privacy Commission, who are accusing Facebook of not just spying on their own


Hackers Release Sensitive Customer Details

More than a month after the threats by an anonymous hacking group who protested against the ethics of the Ashley Madison dating website, the hackers have fulfilled their threat and released vast amounts of data. The extramarital dating website, which encourages those who are in marriages and relationships, to anonymously connect with other members to hook up with.


Millions of Customer’s Details Accessed in Hack

Yet another cyber attack has affected millions of people, this time the customer’s of Carphone Warehouse, one of the UK’s largest high store chain. After the attack which left millions of customer unable to access their online banking accounts in last week’s RBS heck, yet another attack has this time affected millions of customer’s details accessed