UK May End End-To-End Encryption Post Manchester Attack

Most of the technology companies, like WhatsApp, make use of end-to-end encryption. This method helps them interact in chat groups. This method of encryption serves the purpose of security. In the end-to-end encryption system, only the participating users can read the messages. End-To-End Encryption And National Security Although, this style of communication helps secure your


Judy Malware Reaches Millions Of Android Phone Users

The world is just getting over the effects of WannaCry. The cyber-attack, which hit a large number of countries in every continent. WannaCry put the internet security at risk. Thanks to Malware Tech, a tech company, they managed to stop the attack. However, the problem doesn’t look like ending. This time, mobile security is at


Russia To Launch More Secure Skype Analogue

When it comes to online text messages and video chat, there is only one application that comes to our minds. And that is Skype. This web application makes communication easier and better. Soon, we will have a Skype online, but the Russian way. Rostec To Launch Skype Analogue Rostec Corporation is a Russia’s state-owned tech


Indian Government Steps Up Vigil On Bitcoin Transactions

The Indian government is keeping a watch on the companies dealing with bitcoin. The main reason for this is to protect the common man. Cryptocurrency’s Strengthening Value A while ago, hackers demanded bitcoins as a payoff to disinfect the hacked computers. At this point, the cryptocurrency started gaining a limelight. As a result, the value


Cisco Expects Tough Time For IoT Projects

With growth on the cards for IoT, it is very obvious that everyone will talk about the IoT Security. The internet of things (IoT) projects is set to grow. In fact, IDC expects the number of IoT endpoints to reach 50 billion by 2020. The number was 14.9 billion at the end of 2016. What


Ukraine Bans Russian Social Media And Web Businesses

Recently, Ukraine announced a ban on the nation’s two most popular social media networks based in Russia. Ukraine’s President, Petro Poroshenko, himself, revealed the internet censorship decrees. The announcement comes as a part of Ukraine’s sanctions against Russian firms. Impact Of The Decision This internet censorship will affect: The search engine Yandex Cyber security bigwig


Watch The UEFA Champions League Final With Le VPN

You can watch UEFA Champions League final live with Le VPN.  The soccer fans from across the world will soon be in for a major treat. The UEFA champions’ league finals just round the corner and there is no way an enthusiastic soccer fan is going to miss it. This amazing tournament, which is entertaining


Facebook And Google Face A $100 Million Phishing Attack

With almost everyone becoming internet savvy, internet security has become a major cause of concern. The internet security is of utmost importance to everyone as the data are extremely vulnerable in today’s world. We hear news related to phishing, frauds and other problems. These issues not only plague common people, they target big corporate as


Cisco Warns On Vulnerabilities In Its Wireless-N VPN Router

Cisco has issued a concern about the vulnerabilities in its CVR100W Wireless-N VPN router. The connection over a VPN is secure and any third-party can’t invade the same. But, Cisco has found a vulnerability in its RV110W Wireless-N VPN Firewall, RV215W Wireless-N VPN Router and CVR100W Wireless-N VPN Router. Cisco warns its users that the


Google Averts G-Docs Phishing Scam

About 1 million Google Docs users became the target of a dangerous phishing scam recently. However, the company was able to effectively neutralize the phishing email attack within an hour. In order to stay safe, you should refrain from giving away your user credentials on any such website, as it may only be a phishing