Google Adopts More Internet Content Filtering

We all want a complete safety while we are online. The search engine giant Google is always vigilant about the online security of its users. In the past Google adopted the internet content filtering policy to protect vital information. Google made sure that the critical personal information will not appear in the search results. This


Microsoft’s Ramps Up Windows XP To Avoid Cyber-Attacks

One cannot easily forget the recent WannaCry ransomware attack. The cyber-crime messed with machines with older versions of Windows. It affected around 250,000 computers in over 150 countries. With this, it has become very important to think about what could be the future internet security threats. And how to deal with them. Microsoft’s Step To


Building A Global Quantum Secure Internet

China has taken a first step to explore the possibilities of a new type of internet. The scientists in China have launched quantum satellite Micius. Wondering what’s so special about this step? The main purpose of this step is to find a more secure internet called the quantum secure internet.  This Micius satellite transmits photons


What Are Pokemon Go Hacking Risks?

A while ago, Nintendo released a mobile game called Pokemon Go, which immediately attracted a lot of attention worldwide. After Pokemon Go, Nintendo’s shares and sales rates surged through the roof. The app was mainly released for Apple and Android users. It overnight became one of the most popular games in the app stores. However,


Apple Deletes VPN Scam App from The App Store

Apple deletes VPN scam app from the App Store. A while ago, the Apple app store introduced a brand new app. The app “Mobile Protection: Clean and Security VPN” claimed to clean every bit of junk on your Apple device. The app was used to keep the iPhone and Apple devices clean and secured. Popularity


IP Traffic Set to Grow Drastically In India

India is marching strongly towards digitalisation. In the year 2016, there were 373 million internet users in India. This number will likely reach to 829 million by the end of 2021. As a result, there will surely be an increase in the number of IP address in India. Bright Outlook for IP Address in India


Google Chrome to Get Ad Blocker By 2018

It is always suggested to block ads if you want to stay safe online. Recently, there have been multiple online scams that affected millions of PCs. Hence, some experts advise to add an ad blocker as one way to enhance online safety. What Is an Ad Blocker? It is a software designed to stop advertisements


Google Introduces Interland Online Gaming for Kids

Everyone, including kids, is hooked to the internet these days. No doubt! It is important that they understand everything about the internet safety. With this aim in the mind, Google has launched a new game called the Interland Online Gaming. Understanding the Concept of Interland Google is using the online gaming method to teach children


Panasonic Eyes Iot Sector

Even though Internet of Things (IoT) is taking momentum, we are witnessing growing security concerns. On one hand, IoT looks very exciting. However, threats concerning IoT security are becoming an issue of concern. Panasonic Eyes Big Iot Market Share Panasonic needs no introduction. This Japanese giant is around since past 99 years. The company is