The map of countries monitored by the NSA

The map of countries monitored by the NSA

Since last June, the media reported much about the American National Security Agency (NSA) worldwide monitoring program. More than a dozen countries have been affected by this oversight, to varying degrees.

Imagine an absolute Internet monitoring system that sneaks into your privacy: your audio and video p2p activities, photos, e- mails, passwords are intercepted and recorded. Since 2007 and the implementation of the Prism program, which aims at intercepting foreign users’ communications around the world, the NSA conducts an espionage without borders and without taboo. This specialized program links the U.S. intelligence agency to new giants of the IT sector located in Silicon Valley, including Facebook, Google, YouTube and Call. In March 2013, it was estimated that the NSA held more than 97 billion data collected worldwide.
To operate in real time this big amount of data collected, the NSA has developed a secret tool, called the Boundless Informant software. The Guardian published a screen showing the operation of the capture system. Boundless Informant which is highly-performing manages to geo- localize from which country the volume of information comes from, whether it is collected from phones or computers. The map shows a level of oversight by country, according to a simple color code: those colored in green are among the least monitored by the NSA, while countries in red are those most closely monitored by the NSA.
In countries such as India, Italy, Brazil or Germany, individuals’ private communication, as well as businesses and specific political leaders’ data are captured and recorded by the U.S. security agency. Iran was the country where the largest amount of information was collected, with more than 14 billion of data collected during the reporting period, followed by 13.5 billion from Pakistan. Jordan, which is one of U.S. closest Arab allies, is in third place with 12.7 billion, Egypt ranks fourth with 7.6 billion and India with 6.3 billion data.
The revelations about U.S. surveillance system have been growing for the last weeks. But foreign internet users are not the only victims of U.S. intelligence. The Obama administration also issued its surveillance of millions of U.S. people, who use Verizon ISP, one of the leading telecom operators in the country, according to The Guardian, which holds the information from the former consultant Edward Snowden. In the name of counterterrorism and under the famous section 215 of the Patriot Act, the monitoring program probably started in 2006, according to an expert quoted by the Washington Post.

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