2022 In Retrospect: How Safe Were We?

In retrospect, 2022 was a very challenging year for cybersecurity in so many areas. At the beginning of the year, there was a crypto theft where hackers stole approximately $18 million worth of Bitcoin and $15 million worth of Ethereum, alongside other cryptocurrencies. Afterward, there was a Red Cross data breach, a News Corp server


Can You Buy Cheaper Airline Tickets Online With a VPN?

If you have ever traveled by plane, then you know airline tickets are pretty expensive. Furthermore, you also know that the airline company you choose, the date your buy tickets, and the flight distance all affect the price. But did you know that if you buy tickets online, your computer’s IP address also has an


Becoming Secret Santa: How to Buy Anonymously Online?

Privacy is a human right offline as well as online. Fortunately, one does not have to be a true computer expert to keep a low profile on the internet, as staying 100% hidden on the web is pretty much impossible. Although it is possible to remain anonymous when you purchase goods online, maintaining online anonymity


How to Safely Buy Christmas Presents Online?

Christmas is arguably the best holiday that exists. Although there’s something lovely about going out and buying gifts for people you love, that takes a lot of time which many people do not have during the holiday season. With that said, it does not come as a big surprise that more people are buying Christmas


Best Way to Honor the 2022 Computer Security Day

Every year since 1988, international computer security day has been celebrated on November 30, and this year, the year 2022, is no exception. While this day might not be one of the heart-warming and happy days of the year, it’s no doubt one of the most important ones. Every November 30, the international community attempts


Price Localization: How to Use VPN to Buy Cheaper for Black Friday?

It’s undoubtedly our favorite time of the year, and no, we are not talking about Christmas; we’re talking about Black Friday. This is an ideal time to get those perfect deals, and everyone is feeling euphoric; however, it’s also a favorite time for cybercriminals and hackers. Although VPNs are useful all year round, they are


How to Watch the FIFA World Cup in Qatar Online?

One of the world’s most watched and enjoyed sports – the FIFA World Cup, takes place in Qatar this year, with a start date of November 20, 2022. Naturally, football fans could not be more excited about this event and are already preparing for it in every single way. For those lucky ones who can


International Fraud Awareness Week: How to Spot Fraud Online?

International Fraud Awareness Week is the perfect time for all of us to start discussions among peers, coworkers, friends, and family about how important fraud prevention is to society as a whole. We live in a very exciting but dangerous world right now, and it is our duty to take some time to educate ourselves


Cybersecurity Steps for Small Business Owners

If there’s one thing we all could say with certainty, it’s that cybersecurity is and will always be one of the biggest challenges businesses can face. One mistake that many businesses make is to think that data breaches only happen with massive companies. The sad reality is that small and mid-sized businesses are one of


Le VPN 12th Birthday: Better By the Dozen

If there’s one real thing that can be said with certainty, it’s that 2010 will always be a year to remember and look back on. Not because the X-Factor created the boy band One Direction that year or because Lady Gaga wore the infamous strange meat dress to the MTV Music Awards, but because Le