Why Is Internet Privacy More Important Now than Ever?

By now, most people have realized the importance of internet privacy. But, ironically, the greater understanding of this need isn’t followed by a stricter practice but rather lower cybersecurity expectations. Regretfully, that is a strategy where you plan on losing. This is because, for most regular internet users, cybersecurity has become synonymous with a stalwart


Cybersecurity Resolutions: Staying Safe in 2022

The year might not have been as jolly as we would hope for, but ’tis the season, and we should be looking forward. For 2022 some cybersecurity resolutions will be for those who haven’t applied them before, while others will be newcomers for the new age. There are three main differences that the last 12


Christmas Scams: ’Tis the Season to Be Wary

The holiday season is upon us, and with it, many nice things and many of those that are not so nice. However, because we know that there will always be those who will fall on Santa’s naughty list, we need to be wary of Christmas scams that will be present this year. These can range


What Are the Risks Associated With Using Public Wi-Fi?

In this day and age, public Wi-Fi networks are pretty much everywhere, from hotels and coffee shops to supermarkets. The first thing we do going into a bar or a restaurant is ask for the Wi-Fi password. Although it is most certainly convenient, the dangers associated with using public Wi-Fi are not to be underestimated.


How to Bypass ISPs that Have Throttling VPN Connection Speeds?

Although most internet service providers try to deliver fast service, sometimes, your ISP is slowing down your internet purposely to minimize bandwidth congestion, also known as “bandwidth throttling.” So, the question that arises is what you can do about it when it happens, and is there a way to bypass it? As you may already


History of Cyber Monday: Birth of a Tradition

With Cyber Monday inching closer and closer, it’s a good time to reminisce on the history of one of the most important shopping days of the year.  At the moment this “holiday” is more than 15 years old, and this year it will take place on November 29th. Whether Cyber Monday is still standing on


VPN Black Friday Deals: Think Twice Before You Jump All In

It’s everyone’s favorite time of the year – Black Friday. While for many things, this is an ideal time to get those perfect deals, when looking for VPN Black Friday deals, as well as any cybersecurity tools, it is not as simple. Bad free cybersecurity will cost you a lot more than paying top dime


Le VPN Turns 11 – The Story so Far

Do you remember that huge event that happened in 2010? No, I’m not talking about Apple releasing the very first iPad, nor am I referring to Dubai unveiling the world’s tallest building. I’m talking about the birth of the VPN trusted by millions – Le VPN. Le VPN is celebrating 11 years of providing users


How Can I Change an IP Address to Another Country?

In today’s day and age, the virtual world is everything but private. With that said, for those of us who want to stay as secure as possible, changing our IP address is an essential step. While changing an IP address can seem like an online luxury, the reality is that it’s your due right and