Is a VPN Secure for Video Calling?

With a massive rise in video calling apps and software popularity, there has never been such a high need for protecting our data. Many apps and social networks have begun to incorporate video calling as part of their services in the last few years. If constantly making video calls, one should learn to protect their


Top 10 Cybersecurity Habits in the Post-Covid World

For more than a decade now, the point of cybersecurity was to keep the status quo we had so far. But, the cybersecurity habits in the post-Covid world that you should adapt should not only keep you safe but make your life better at the same time. The three things we need to focus on


Can My ISP See What I am Watching on YouTube?

The reason I have started wondering can my ISP see what I am watching on YouTube was because of the many international channels that became unreachable. Ironically, that is because of the licensing and not any ill intent, but that’s the first time I realized. Yes, they can see everything, not just the meta-data, but


When Did the Internet Start: History of Cyber Security

The history of the Internet is a long list of solutions and problems created by those solutions. So while we know when the technology that created the net was developed, we need to know these issues before we can decide when did the internet start for real. Internet security is one of the main metrics


How to Unblock YouTube in 2021: What Has Changed?

For future historians, it would probably be very clear that the 2010s were a change of an era. Back in 2016, we talked about how to unblock YouTube to watch entertainment, and not it is much more about getting the correct information. YouTube has evolved to be the go-to source for a lot of what


Is The PirateBay Legal: How to Enter the Cove?

Although officially, the entities behind The PirateBay have made a magnetic link-sharing platform for easy P2P sharing and communication, there is no question the goal of the website and platform with its name. That has often posed a question if The PirateBay is legal at all, and we are allowed to use it. In simple


How Not to Be Hacked at a Coffee Shop Using Public WiFi

There are hundreds of ways to get yourself hacked. And, the biggest issue here is that it will rarely happen because of the skill of the hacker, but usually because of your own mistake. So, the only way not to get hacked when using public WiFi is not to make those mistakes. Three things that


How to Avoid Digital and Legal Geo-Restrictions?

It is possible to argue that countries and nation-states are a net positive. But, many laws across the planet affect the individual searching for work or entertainment that doesn’t affect larger entities. And this is why you at least need to know how to avoid digital and legal geo-restrictions that will befall you. Generally, there


Best Locations to Work Remotely from?

Even before everything that happened in 2020, there was a considerable number of people, mostly creatives and developers, working remotely and living abroad. Now, after everything we lived through, the question isn’t if we want this, but rather which are the best locations to work remotely from? Regretfully, this isn’t such an easy question as