Best Locations to Work Remotely from?

Even before everything that happened in 2020, there was a considerable number of people, mostly creatives and developers, working remotely and living abroad. Now, after everything we lived through, the question isn’t if we want this, but rather which are the best locations to work remotely from? Regretfully, this isn’t such an easy question as


Can You Operate Your Business from a Faraway Beach?

Possibly under the influence of the lockdowns we had experienced in 2020, there is now a prevalence of fantasies about working from some beach across the world. But, if you want to operate your business from a faraway beach, some issues depend on your work’s nature. Before you decide to go for your plane ticket,


Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers and Digital Nomads

Working outside of the office is quickly turning from a peculiar lifestyle to a common way of business. Now more than ever, you will see offices and teams that live all across the Pale Blue Dot. But, this also has some downsides, and there are a few cybersecurity tips for remote workers and digital nomads


Where do You Need a VPN the Most when Traveling?

There are two huge reasons why anyone would use a VPN. First, it is to be able to see content from all around the world. Second, it is to prevent others from seeing your information and browsing patterns. Any place where this is an issue is somewhere where you need a VPN the most when


Can Cryptocurrency Miners have a Vacation?

The summer is here. Unlike last year when vacationing wasn’t an option even for those who could, now is the best time to get a bit of that vitamin D in some peaceful location. But, for those used to the sound of GPU and CPU machines mining, there is a question if cryptocurrency miners can


Cybersecurity Tricks for #HotGirlSummer 2.0

When Megan Thee Stallion proclaimed #HotGirlSummer back in 2019, we didn’t know that 2020 will happen the way it did. Now, with all this pent-up anxiety felt by girls, boys, and everything in-between, we need to use some cybersecurity tricks to ensure that this summer won’t be a disaster as well. Regardless if you are


Top 5 VPN Tricks for Your Summer Vacation

In the words of a Scottish revolutionary William Wallace: Freedom! After more than a year of being cooped up in our homes and cities, we now have the chance to go wild in a remote location. But, a perspective summer blast has some risks, and you will need to use some VPN tricks if you


Is Zero-Trust Security Necessary for You?

The news, especially when it comes to tech, is always filled with the latest technobabble. But, in zero-trust security, the situation is simple and already used by those who are careful about security. It might be daunting to read about the newest protocols and security clearance, and encryption systems when researching. When translated to layman’s


Telework Challenges for Cybersecurity

Right now, it is becoming evident that, while a lot of people will return to the office soon, a huge number of workers will stay at home indefinitely. There are a lot of benefits to working from home, but there are also some telework challenges for cybersecurity that we face. Regrettably, a lot of employers


Cybersecurity Risks of IoT Devices

The discussion needs to be prefaced with the fact that protecting IoT devices is no more difficult than any user device. Your smart fridge and your PC use all of the same protocols. The cybersecurity risks of IoT devices don’t come from the software but from our own focus as users. Because it is very