Parental Control Software: Do You Need It?

It is not easy being a parent. Aside from worrying about your personal mistakes and discussing with your partner how do you want the child to be raised, there is also the threat from the outside. The parental control software can help here, but it is not a be-all solution for every danger. Depending on


What Is the Best Country to Use a VPN?

The best country to use a VPN is the one where it is the most needed. While the best servers are in free countries like Switzerland, the Swiss don’t need to hide that much. But, for those living in the rest of the world, we need ways to protect our privacy and personal data. There


Cyber Hygiene for Parents: What to Do?

Keeping your existence safe from the internet, in general, is becoming harder by the day. Cyber hygiene for parents only makes an additional hurdle as you don’t only need to take care of your own identity, devices, and behavior, but that of your kids as well. As we know, those very young don’t often do


Cyber Misbehavior: Crime or Annoyance?

When talking about online threats, we usually try to mention some high-tech dangers like hacking, industrial espionage, and internal data manipulation. But, cyber misbehavior happens a lot more often than high-level cybercrime, and it is more akin to schoolyard bullying than the Cosa Nostra. But, the fact that such actions are not as complex as


Online Shopping Scams

With so many people stuck indoors, the only shopping industry has exploded. Even those that were once unfamiliar with the practice are now onboard. But, with the influx of people, there are now also new online shopping scams that can be very tricky to discern from real offers. Also, the issue is that online scammers


GameStop, Legacy Media, and Cybersecurity: What to Do?

Even after several months from the GameStop investment fiasco, the issues are still not settling down. Many early adopters of the strategy made a lot of money, and some hedge fund managers probably won’t be getting their million-dollar bonuses this year. But, there is a wider issue coming to prominence than just the malicious mistakes


Cybersecurity Tips for Businesses with Remote Workers

With over a year of remote working under our belt, we are now seeing some issues, and they should have been obvious from the get-go. Companies are being attacked left and right, and now new cybersecurity tips are emerging to help those firms with people working from home. The main source of such security is


How to Secure Your Computer when Remote Working?

Although remote working has been on the rise for more than a decade, the practice has exploded in 2020 due to the necessity for many not to leave their home. And, as a sizable number of those who started working aren’t willing to get back to the office, the question arises on how to secure


VPN Protection: How are Large Companies Getting Hacked?

There is a misconception that the biggest tech giants and multinational corporations have some incredible cybersecurity systems. Then everyone is amazed how large companies are getting hacked in ways where even a personal phone can’t be. The truth is that while big companies do have very advanced cybersecurity systems, they are also prone to gaps