Why are VPNs so Popular? Why do people use a VPN?

A virtual private network, or VPN, is no longer a ‘techy’ thing that is only mentioned by the IT guy at work. Now, millions of individuals and homes worldwide use a VPN every day. The reason why VPNs are so popular is that they solve both some primary concerns like security, and assist in leisure


Can VPN See My Passwords? What can a VPN see?

No, a VPN provider can’t see your private passwords, and a good provider will have a policy against any type of attempted supervision. That being said, a VPN will see your log-in data for their service, and a bad proxy connection combined with a malicious website can be a dangerous tandem. There are three things


OpenVPN Certificates Update in 2020

When Le VPN started a decade ago, the internet was a vastly different place. It was the arguable crescendo of the golden age of gaming and the nascence of the console wars. And, while the techies were enthralled with the new iPhone 4, getting it near water was a frightening thought. As for cybersecurity, the


The New Age OSHA: VPN for Remote Work

To be fair, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, doesn’t mention VPN for remote work simply because the stress-related medical impacts of having your data stolen are not as direct as some other injuries. But, when your livelihood is on the line, there is bound to be stress. For companies, clients, and employees


Can You Get Hacked Using a VPN?

Yes. While a VPN will protect your connection to the internet from being spied on and compromised, you can still get hacked when using a VPN if you bring the malware in yourself or allow someone to find out your username and password. If you are using a premium service like Le VPN, you will


Safety on the Go: Do I need a VPN on My Phone?

Because most VPN users came for secondary features like disabling Geo-locking, many people see this as a service more than a security feature. But, the question do I need a VPN on my phone becomes plain to answer if you realize how much private information we keep on our mobile devices. There are three good


Teens, Trump, and TikTok: Why are Young People Jumping on VPN?

While it may be difficult for Millennials and GenXers to understand TikTok, we do know the value of self-expression. People like making memes and having fun, and there is a drive for young humans to expose themselves to get some clout. That is all fine. And, if we can’t stop our children or younger siblings


WireGuard: More Protection and More Performance

Cybersecurity is always an arms race. Both security experts and engineers, and the hackers, snoopers, and data thieves they are trying to stop working tirelessly every day. WireGuard® is a new multi-faceted protocol and the newest weapon for our digital protection. That is why Le VPN team is integrating WireGuard in its VPN service and


Does VPN affect WiFi Connections?

Even though the idea that a VPN would stipple your internet connection can be counted as a misconception, it is not entirely baseless. When calculating does VPN affect Wi-Fi connections, it is necessary to determine the type of the service and the quality. Three factors will determine the relationship between your regular internet speed and


Why Does My Boyfriend Use a VPN?

The reason why your boyfriend uses a VPN is to be able to research gifts for you as well as romantic travel destinations without the government, corporations, and data thieves intercepting. Did the Google snippet catch that? Good. Now for the real tea. There are both objective security benefits of using a VPN, as well