Is It Unethical To Use A VPN To Go Around Streaming Restrictions?

Is It Unethical To Use A VPN To Go Around Streaming Restrictions?

According to Netflix, due to some of its customers using VPNs to gain access to content made restricted, the company had to block all VPN access indefinitely. This is what eventually led to a couple of questions being raised in view of the legitimacy and legality of geographical spoofing.

If you are someone who is privacy-minded, you will unblock YouTube or any other website using a VPN to establish an anonymous and secure web connection between your web browser and the internet. But have to understand that not everyone approves of VPN usage. Take China for instance, the repressive regime in the country have displayed acrimony for VPNs – blocking website they deem fit. When asked why, the only answer you will get is that they think they will significantly forfeit all control over the nation’s internet usage.

And now even Netflix is following in China’s footsteps. Keeping users that use VPNs to access restricted content at bay. So, if a user in a country other than the US wants to watch Big Bang Theory on Netflix, and if the company has not made the show viewable on the network, he will not be able to use a VPN watch the show.

Why has Netflix become Anti VPN for the Foreseeable Future

Unlike China, the popular streaming company does not want to hide anything from is subscribers. However, Netflix seems significantly interested in giving in to their contractual agreements made by the company’s content partners who do not wish their content to be viewed in certain countries of their choosing. This is why in order to go around this roadblock, the subscribers in those countries resort to using the best VPN connections to view their favorite TV shows.

On one hand you have to agree that Netflix has to protect its interests and honor its contracts, on the other hand you have to also agree with the fact that most people use VPNs for privacy, which is their right.

Privacy and Virtual Private Networks

OpenMedia, an advocacy group has favored the perspective of people using VPNs for privacy – which is why the group has established a petition asking that Netflix takes back its decision to ban VPNs. You will be surprised to know more than 46,000 people have become a part of this group, and who have signed it – demanding Netflix to rescind the ban.

There is no doubt that VPNs are some of the best internet tools available to ensure that user access the web anonymously, securing their connection and maintaining privacy. Without VPNs we risk the making all our digital content conveniently accessible and available for others, putting ourselves at risk, making all information dangerously vulnerable. In addition, Le VPN is one of a select few best VPN providers which work with Netflix, as we have managed to bypass the ban.

The Bottom Line

Despite the fact that informational espionage, government snooping and other third forces at play here, nothing is more important for consumer than piracy, and the best way of ensuring that you are protected and safe, it is more than wise to use a quality VPN.



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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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