VPN Protection: How are Large Companies Getting Hacked?

VPN Protection: How are Large Companies Getting Hacked?

There is a misconception that the biggest tech giants and multinational corporations have some incredible cybersecurity systems. Then everyone is amazed how large companies are getting hacked in ways where even a personal phone can’t be.

The truth is that while big companies do have very advanced cybersecurity systems, they are also prone to gaps in security. From bugs and human error to third-party apps that infect everything, this all happens on a larger scale.

For us as consumers, a much more important issue is how to protect our personal information from leaking as a part of those hacks. And, there are three things we can do to either prevent the leaks or minimize the damage from them:

  1. Compartmentalize your information
  2. Reduce the amount of personal information out there
  3. Ensure digital anonymity

The final point is both the most important one and the easiest. Most platforms and websites will check up your IP address and use it to create targeted ads and get a better idea of what you want to buy. But, that is also how hackers can come to that information.

With a premium provider, just like Le VPN, you will be able to hide your IP address and secure your system with VPN Protection. This will prevent someone from connecting the dots and hacking your devices, accessing your private folders or banking information, or even stealing your identity.

The Bigger they are, The Harder they Fall

VPN Protection: How are Large Companies Being Hacked? | Le VPN

Although companies often like to present themselves with a human face, they are by nature much different creatures in almost every regard. The amount of data most corporations and even large companies that work locally are willing to collect is unthinkable.

While a small entrepreneur is willing to keep a phone number or maybe an email address of their client even after the job is done, large companies will keep every smidgen of information they can in hopes to tailor their service to you.

It is most likely that few companies ever look over such data for any user in particular. This can be noticed if you use an anonymous VPN connection and start getting ads that are nowhere near being tailored towards you.

However, if you are using your own data, the person hacking the system will look them over. They will notice the connection between your password, email, username, and even other connections combined with your IP location to figure out exactly who you are.

Scaling Issues for Cybersecurity

Large companies, and especially tech giants like Google or Facebook, spend tens of millions of dollars on cybersecurity each year. But, the scalability of cybersecurity doesn’t work in their favor.

Namely, the more cogs there are in the machine, the more things can fail. This is especially the case with human error.

For instance, Facebook has over 45.000 employees, with a sizable number of those having access to private accounts and a moderator status. Additionally, when we know that over 10.000 are working on new technologies, there is always a possibility that someone will make a mistake.

One wrong credential, one missed bug, and whole parts of the system fall, and user data is leaked.

Personal VPN Protection is Necessary against Company Hacks

We can lament over the troubles of multi-billionaires and their companies, that the true question is how do large companies getting hacked impact the consumers, a.k. us.

Even if you are a large company owner, you still use services from other large companies, making this problem likely to be universal. And the more sensitive information you have, the bigger are the chances that you will be under attack.

There are three specific places where information can be leaked by a company, either due to negligence or because of direct hacks.

And, when it comes to consumers, every issue has a different solution on how to keep ourselves safe.

Releasing Customer Data

In the majority of cases, such an issue is due to human error. In most cases, the victim is just a single account targeted by hackers. For instance, someone may know your name and find out your location via your IP address and pretend that they are you, locked out the account.

One of the main things what is a VPN for is to provide VPN protection from such attacks and alarm the support immediately. But, if the operator is new or tired and the data is correct, they may falter.

Allowing Spyware

Spyware is never an integral part of the core service, especially when it comes to large companies. In the biggest markets, and especially on the EU market, this is grounds for a major lawsuit and would run the company in the ground.

But, there is always a possibility of 3rd party apps and other adjacent services becoming an issue. For those who are not careful with the additional services they take, the consequences can be quite severe.

Cascading Hacks

Finally, the biggest issue with large companies, and especially online platforms that may house a lot of our data, is the possibility of cascade hacks.

Once only your basic info is hacked, criminals can use that to access other web-places, which in turn give more info and access to more places. If your data is not compartmentalized, this can require a full scrub of your information from the internet.


The fact that some companies are big doesn’t always mean that they are safe. This is why every individual has VPN protection on their device. Thankfully, with premium providers like Le VPN and a bit of common sense, this is not as hard as it seems.

But, it needs to be done.



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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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