Yahoo To Notify Users If Hacking Takes Place

Yahoo To Notify Users If Hacking Takes Place

Yahoo are the latest company to be offering support to its users if at any point they feel they are under threat of state sponsored security breaches. Following on from Facebook announcing a similar move, it seems a possible trend might be starting that actually shows companies caring for their customer base after numerous cyber attacks that have left users and customer’s questioning their data’s security online. With Yahoo to notify users if hacking takes place, hopefully this leads to more and more companies and organisations taking active steps in ensuring their customer’s are taken care of.

With so many attacks happening around the world, with the criminals becoming more and more advanced in their methods of cyber attacks and data breaching, companies have been more concerned with saving themselves rather than helping their customers. This move by Facebook and now Yahoo should show the world that it is possible to care about the customer as well as themselves, because after all their reputation relies on the very customers they need to look after.

In a blog post announcing the change, Yahoo chief information security officer Bob Lord assured its users that Yahoo will notify them if at any point they suspect accounts are being targeted by state sponsored attackers (government agencies). This can be done by several ways; asking the user to change a password, to one stronger, requiring a two-step verification process, or checking recent account activity. Earlier this month, Twitter issued a statement saying that they believed that several users may have been the target for a state-sponsored attack. None of the companies have revealed any further information about the alleged attacks, stating that they do not want the attackers to know the methods in which they detected these attacks.

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