Setup the PPTP connection
1) Expand the System menu and click on Network Connections to open the Network Connections control panel
2) Click the Add button to add a new VPN configuration.

3) When prompted to choose a VPN connection type, choose Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and click the Create button.

4) In the Connection name: textbox, enter "Le VPN(PPTP)"
In the Gateway field enter the UK server), the French server) etc for other countries...
You can find the full list of servers here.
In the User name: enter your Le VPN login received in activation email.
In the Password: enter your Le VPN password received in activation email.

5) Click the Advanced button to bring up an additional settings dialog.
Check the Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE) box.

Click the OK button
6) Click on "IPv4 Settings" tab and add "," in "Additional DNS servers:" field and click OK

7) Click the Apply button (you may be prompted to enter your password to store the configuration securely)
8) Restart Network Manager ("sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart")
Establish a secure connection
1) In the taskbar, click on the Network Manager applet to bring up the connection menu
2) Expand VPN Connections and select "Le VPN (PPTP)".