Le VPN Tunnelblick (OpenVPN) Installation on macOS

Set up

1) Download the OpenVPN configuration files HERE.

2) Download Tunnelblick from THIS PAGE, choose the Stable version.

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

3) Start the Tunnelblick installation by double-clicking on the downloaded file, then, in the installation window that opens, double-click on the Tunnelblick icon

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

4) Allow the installation of Tunnelblick by clicking on "Open".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

5) Click on "Continue" and enter your macOS administrator password and click "OK".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

6) Once the TunnelBlick application is installed, a window opens, click on "I have configuration files".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

7) In the "Add a Configuration" window, click "OK".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

8) Depending on your preferences, you can allow or disallow notifications sent by Tunnelblick.

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

9) Drag and drop an OpenVPN configuration file, from the previously downloaded configuration folder, on the Tunnelblick icon.

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

10) Tunnelblick asks you if you want to install this configuration for all users or just for you, depending on your preferences, choose one of the two options.

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

11) Re-enter your macOS administrator password and click "OK".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

12) Open Tunnelblick by double-clicking on its icon (from the Applications folder).

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

13) Select the configuration you have added (left column), then click on "Settings".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

14) In the settings window, check the box "Route all IPv4 traffic through the VPN", then you can close the Tunnelblick window.

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick


1) Click on the Tunnelblick connection icon at the top of your screen and choose "Connect + Connection Name".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

2) Enter your VPN username and associated password, check the "Save to Keychain" boxes and click "OK".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

3) Once connected, the Tunnelblick icon turns white. 


1) To disconnect, click again on the Tunnelblick icon at the top of the screen, and choose "Disconnect Connection Name".

Le VPN MacOS OpenVPN Tunnelblick

If you need any further assistance, please contact us via Live Chat or submit a ticket to our support team.

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